Rockstar Organizers


Please set aside 5-7 minutes to thoroughly and honestly assess yourself in the areas listed of life & business. Based on your answers you will receive a recommended next step.

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This assessment helps you honestly rate yourself in 8 key areas.


0= I have nothing to show in this area.

1= I started but am nowhere near where I want to be in this area.

2 = I am still on a steep learning curve.

3= I get by. I'm average and have made progress from where I once was, and know I will get to where I want to be with more reps.

4 = This is becoming an area of strength for me. I may have fine tweaks to make and do not experience regular pain like I used to.

5= I feel super confident in this area. I am aware of the spectrum of issues at hand and overall I experience ease in this area.

Section 2: Your Underbelly

These are the things you might struggle with, rate yourself honestly

>> Click NEXT to start section 2

Fear & Control





Section 3: Your Team

If you have a team, answer these... otherwise answer zeroes!

>> Click NEXT to start section 3

Section 4: Your Clients

This section is all about how you feel about 5 key areas of working with clients.

>> Click NEXT to start section 4

Section 5: Tools & Technology

This section is about 5 key tech areas and how you feel about how they are set up currently.

>> Click NEXT to start section 5

Section 6: Operations

This section covers 5 key areas of business operations and how you rate yourself on progress.

>> Click NEXT to start section 6

Section 7: Visibility

Let's chat about how visible you are!

>> Click NEXT to start section 7

Section 8: Sales

>> Click NEXT to start section 8

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